
  • We ship worldwide* via DHL Express. Shipping is free of charge.
  • All orders will be shipped from Malaysia.
  • For in-stock product, the delivery time varies between 3 to 5 days.
  • It’s important to note that import duties or taxes may be applicable. This means that any outstanding import duties, clearance fees, brokerage fees, or additional charges are the responsibility of the customer and must be settled upon delivery.
  • In some cases, customs officials may require your Social Security Number or Tax ID. If this information is requested, the shipping company will contact you directly. Please understand that we do not have control over this requirement.

    *except to Argentina, Azerbaijan, Barbados, Belarus, Chile, Cuba, French Guiana, Honduras, Iran, Iraq, Mongolia, North Korea, Peru, Russia, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela and Zimbabwe.

Returns / Refunds

  • If your pre-order is yet to be dispatched, you can request a full refund at any time.
  • Customers have 30 days from the date of delivery to exercise their rights of return for a refund or an exchange. We are able to accept returns or exchanges as long as the watch is in an original and unworn condition (protection sticker intact and no scratches), this includes watches shipped with pre-sized bracelets.
  • Once it has been inspected a refund (minus return shipping fee) will be processed.
  • We can’t refund any customs duties paid if you return your watch. We will deduct any duties, taxes or fees incurred by us from your refund.
  • The return payment can take up to 10 days to process.

Industry First Worry-Free Guarantee**

  • The warranty on our products is 48-month from the date of shipment.
  • This covers any form of mechanical fault of the movement and we will arrange a repair free of charge.
  • 1 (one) time complimentary watch case replacement (within 48-month warranty period) for any damage —whether from daily wear or an unexpected accident.

    **This guarantee only applies to all purchases made after 12th Dec 2023.  All prior purchases will have a standard 24-month warranty on the movement, and does not cover any damage on any part of the watch resulting from abnormal use, lack of care, negligence, accidents, incorrect use of the watch.

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    • 48 Months Worry-Free Guarantee
    • 30 days Returns / Exchanges

    © 2018 - 2023, ALCADUS Watch Co. All Rights Reserved